Failure to Appear in Divorce and Divorce by Default


You may be familiar with the term “failure to appear” in the context of criminal cases. This happens when a person is charged with a crime and summoned to appear in court, and they do not do it. They are basically ignoring the charge in the hopes that it goes away. This is actually considered [...]

Failure to Appear in Divorce and Divorce by Default2019-07-18T15:18:33+00:00

Is Fault Based Divorce Still Relevant in Connecticut?


Most people have heard the term “fault based divorce”, but they don’t really know what it means. Many people have a misunderstanding of fault and no-fault divorces. Fault is something that was used years ago in divorces. Divorce used to be less accepted than it is now, so you had to prove fault in order [...]

Is Fault Based Divorce Still Relevant in Connecticut?2019-07-18T15:12:45+00:00

Protective Orders and Child Custody in Connecticut Divorce


Oftentimes, a divorce or a custody case starts with an arrest. While this is unfortunate, it is also reality. And it might be a reality that you find yourself in. A person usually doesn’t just decide they aren’t getting along with their spouse anymore and it’s time to move on. Many times, there is a [...]

Protective Orders and Child Custody in Connecticut Divorce2019-07-18T15:04:52+00:00

Improving Your Self Esteem After Divorce


Even if you are the most confident person in the world, a breakup can rattle you. Any major change in life can be scary, and it can cause you to reflect on yourself. While reflection is a good thing, it can quickly spiral into feelings of self-doubt and insecurity if you're not careful. If your [...]

Improving Your Self Esteem After Divorce2017-09-06T15:16:36+00:00

How To Stay Healthy Through Your Divorce


Any major life event, good or bad, can be incredibly stressful. Your divorce will be no different. I know that at this time, you have a million things to worry about and take care of. But one thing that you should not neglect at this time is yourself! Staying healthy and happy throughout your divorce [...]

How To Stay Healthy Through Your Divorce2017-07-31T18:16:15+00:00

How To Recover From Adultery


Marriages end for many reasons, and if you face divorce, it is important to consider all of the events that may have contributed to the breakdown of your marriage. However, there is one common reason for divorce that you might be experiencing right now. Adultery is one common factor in divorce that can be especially [...]

How To Recover From Adultery2017-06-20T17:02:54+00:00

How do I Know If I’m Ready for Divorce?


Before you file for divorce, it is important to review your situation and determine if divorce is best for you. In some cases, divorce is mutual. Both spouses recognize that their marriage is no longer working, and they seek divorce as a solution to this problem and the hope for happier days. However, in [...]

How do I Know If I’m Ready for Divorce?2019-04-12T20:56:29+00:00

Common Issues in Connecticut Same Sex Divorce


Same sex marriage has been legal in the state of Connecticut since 2008. This is a major milestone for Connecticut because not all states recognize gay marriage. But, same sex divorce laws are still not very developed. This presents challenges and complexities for couples seeking a same sex divorce that heterosexual couples do not face. [...]

Common Issues in Connecticut Same Sex Divorce2019-04-15T13:58:47+00:00

Special Circumstance for an Alternative to Divorce


If your relationship with your partner has ended, you might not be sure if a divorce applies to your situation. On this page, I will discuss some special circumstances in which you might seek alternatives to divorce. For more information on these special circumstances and others, please contact my office. I can review your [...]

Special Circumstance for an Alternative to Divorce2019-04-15T14:17:34+00:00

Connecticut General Statutes for Divorce Laws


Connecticut has specific statutes regarding divorce. I have provided these laws here if you are interested in viewing the actual general statutes. For assistance interpreting these laws, you can contact my office at 203-925-9200. Connecticut General Statutes. Sec. 46b-40. (Formerly Sec. 46-32) Grounds for dissolution of marriage; legal separation; annulment (a) A marriage is dissolved [...]

Connecticut General Statutes for Divorce Laws2019-04-15T15:12:30+00:00
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