Today, many couples decide to sign a prenuptial agreement before they get married. Divorce has become prevalent in our society. So, many couples choose to protect themselves and their assets against divorce before they get married. If you have a prenuptial agreement, this information can help you determine how it will help you with your situation. For more information, you can contact me. We can set up a consultation in one of my offices. I have locations in Shelton and Wethersfield. We can discuss your situation and I can answer your questions. I am happy to help! Contact my office at 203-925-9200 for more information.
Prenuptial Agreement
A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract. In it, a couple addresses important issues such as property rights, the division of assets, and debt distribution in divorce. If both parties agree to the terms of the prenuptial agreement, it will become legally binding. In the event of a divorce, the couple must follow the stipulations in the prenuptial agreement.
A prenuptial agreement outlines a plan for how to deal with divorce. It also puts into writing the expectations that one spouse has for the other during their marriage. For example, if both parties agree that they do not want to have children, they can add this to the prenuptial agreement. If this occurs, one spouse cannot argue in a divorce hearing that they want a divorce because their spouse does not want children. It is clear that in this case, both spouses agreed not to have children before they even got married.
In addition, you can write in a prenuptial agreement the punishments for doing things like cheating. In the event that one spouse cheats and this leads to divorce, you can outline in the prenuptial agreement the financial consequences that the cheating spouse will have in the divorce. You can write in your prenuptial agreement that if your spouse cheats on you, they are not entitled to your assets in a divorce.
Prenuptial Agreement and Divorce
At its core, a prenuptial agreement protects your assets in the event of a divorce. There are many other perks involved in having a prenuptial agreement. For example, in the event of a divorce, you can agree in a prenuptial agreement that inherited property will remain your own property. You can also limit your responsibility in dealing with your spouse’s debt in a divorce. Again, you can protect certain assets without having to fight in court.
If you file for divorce and you and your spouse have a prenuptial agreement, it will make the divorce process much easier. This agreement will define who is entitled to what in the divorce. Without a prenuptial agreement already in place, you will have to figure out property division, distribution of finances and assets, and much more during the divorce process. At this point, you probably won’t get what you think that you are entitled to. This especially happens if you and your spouse end on bad terms. By sorting out how to divide marital assets before the marriage even begins, you will have a better chance of coming to a fair agreement without involving a judge. If you have more questions about prenuptial agreements, you can contact me by clicking here.
Post-Nuptial Agreements
Post-nuptial agreements are similar to prenuptial agreements. They are both written agreements made by both spouses in order to protect both spouses from a potential divorce. However, these agreements are made after the marriage has already taken place, unlike pre-nuptial agreements, which occur before the marriage. If you and your spouse are having some kind of issue, and you both want to fix it, you can try marital mediation. This will help you to express how you feel and what you want. Then you can draw up a post-nuptial agreement. Instead of rushing into a divorce, you might want to consider a post-nuptial agreement, if you feel that your issues can be fixed and your marriage can continue.
If you need help preserving your marriage, and you feel that changes must be made in order to do so, you can call on a marital mediator. A marital mediator will listen to both parties in order to get an understanding of what they want. In many cases, marital mediation works. It allows for a non-threatening space to collaborate, express opinions, and come to an agreement. A marital mediator can provide a draft of a post-nuptial agreement. This will give both parties at least some of what they want. At this point, the couple can review the agreement with one another as well as their attorneys. If the agreement is pleasing for both parties, they can both sign and the agreement will be in effect.